Tuesday, August 26, 2008


em da lame x tls pape kan..last week busy exam..plus internet not so good at my room..maybe something wrong wif my laptop..i think it should be reformat again..huh benci tul..

yee.tomorrow im going home...padahal br je blk..cm intan kate da 3 weekend x duduk usm ni..last 2 week i went to my lovely home..last week g kuantan..konvo someone..someone very special in my life..huhu..a very tiring weekend tp best..berbaloi kot..huhu..tgk org konvo rs cam best jer..seyes x saba nk grad..2 more years to go..huh lame gak tu..chaiyuk noddy..u can do it..

p/s:wa..i got flu..hate it..penat srok srek2..huhu..xde mood nk tls pnjg2..


nOoRoLe said...

sapa yg special tu???huhuhuhuhu

noddy said...

orang la..hehe