Tuesday, April 14, 2009

hormonal causes

aku mrh..geram sgt..sedih pun ade..
ei x tau la..aku yg exagerrated or aku mmg ptt mrh..
tp angah kt small matter..tp aku marah gak..
he seem dont care about me..
kalo aku skt ke mati ke..pun x pe....=(
aku tau die busy..tp x leh ke die wat cm bese2..
sedih la.....
aku rs mmg bnd ni kck..
aku tau,ni semua slh hormon yg x btul ni..
x suke la..x suke rs cmni..
p/s:sori la korg kene bc rubbish ni..i just want to feel better..

Sunday, April 12, 2009

tag from mas

tag from mas comey..lame x jmp mas..ble la bleh jmp ek..huhu..

Bekas kekasih saya adalah :manusia yg rugi..hahahahahahahaha.....

Saya sedang mendengar:lyn tag + denga lagu

Mungkin saya patut :study..mls nye..huhu..

Saya suka :ble dpt kua..shopping..hang out..

Sahabat-sahabat baik saya :who always there for me..in happiness..sadness..listen to me..=D

Saya tak paham : knape saye malas..byk setan kot..huhu..

Saya kehilangan :ongkos..mkn lme mkn susut..=(

Ramai yang berkata :OnG susah..tkt tp aku ttp cmtu..no changes at all..emmmm..

Makna nama saya :cahaya keagamaan..=P

Cinta itu adalah:crazy+ too complicated..

Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang :merindui ku..hahaha..

Saya akan cuba :jadi rajin..cm susah je..chaiyuk nodi..

Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud :forever???

Telefon bimbit saya :da buruk..ble la bleh dpt yg bru..huhhh..

Bila saya terjaga dari tidur :tend to sleep again..

Saya paling meluat apabila :org yg x reti ckp elok2..ckp cm nk gadoh..eii x suke..

Pesta/Parti adalah :enjoy urself wif ur fren..even just for 3..

Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah :kucing of course..

Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah :19-22 kot..

Hari ini :saye tido byk..

Malam ini saya akan :mebuang mase lg..x bgs suggh..

Esok pula saya akan :siap kn keje cfcs..*sigh*

Saya betul2 inginkan : home..nk blk!!!!!

Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini :saye nmpk muke saye la..

Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan:both..

Makanan Barat atau Jepun :i prefer western..

Bilik yang terang atau gelap :terang

Makanan segera adalah :maggi..mcd..kfc..

Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?bye..(kat sya td)

Siapa yang anda nak Tag?
nurul n sya syg..hehe..

tag lg la

tag by cikgu fara..since i'm so lazy to study lets do this..

1. Apakah benda yang paling penting dalam hidup kamu?
everything..my family..love one..my fren..my laptop..my henfons..myself..ish semua la..huhu

2. Apakah benda akhir yang kamu beli dengan duit sendiri?
lunch tgh hr td..

3.Di manakah tempat impian perkahwinan kamu?
umah kot..sng cite..hehe..

5. Adakah anda sedang di lamun cinta?

6. Di mana restoran akhir kamu makan malam?
kenny ngan nurul..last nite..

8. Nama penuh anda?
name saye nur diyana md hadis..huhu..

9. Kamu lebih senang dengan ayah atau emak?
em mama kot..she my best fren..i share everything wif her..best mom ever..but i love both k..huhu

10. Namakan seorang yang kamu ingin jumpa dalam hidup kamu?
my old fren..dr zmn matrik smpi la tdika..huhu..

11. Sebutkan nama 8 sahabat yang rapat dengan kamu?
sya,nurul,atim,nina,fatma,mai,azie,nana,fara..em ckp x??

12. Adakah kamu mencuci pakaian sendiri?
ade sape2 nk tlg ke??

13.. Tempat yang paling seronok yang kamu ingin pergi?
mn2 la..nk sgt g holiday skang ni..=(

14. Butirkan 5 perkara tentang orang yang tag kamu.
she is my best fren..member yg da lm sgt x jmp..miz u dear..

15. 8 perkara yang saya gilai.~
earings(ni da krg skt0

16. Pelukan atau ciuman?

17. 8 buah buku yang paling baru di baca?
ten teachers OnG
hanbook of gynae
maybe baby
lawak kampus:log in

18. 8 lagu yang kamu boleh dengar berulang kali?
byk la..mls nk pkr..haha

19. 8 orang yang kamu mahu tag adalah???
sya yg demam
nurul yg fening
kak sue

Saturday, April 11, 2009


i've my dental appointment last thursday..with my loyal dentist in future..huhu..she did filling to me..n that was the last filling for time being..huhu..n since it was just a small filling n she still had time..she did scaling to me..damn..i hate scaling..sakit+banjir+nyilu..byk alasan..da gigi x bersih..hahaha..

n i've completed my treatment for this year..my dentist said she wanted to review my TMJ case next year..i've a bit prob wif my TMJ..i've lock jaw..it is like u cannot close ur mouth when u open it to big..it is lock..huhu..if u want to know further pliz visit my dentist blog k..she know better than me..of course..huhu..luckily i have a got doc..she is very concern wif my condition..she will allow me to rest for some time n bear to do her work wif my small mouth..haha..

tq my lovely doc nurul for ur kind treatment..hehehehehehe..


i've had a hectic weekend..too tiring+serabut..i felt like a robot..less sleep..more kaffein..

i woke up early than usually i do..seyesly..than i had lunch at cafe..i'm not sure when was the last time i ate at cafe during weekend..3rd year maybe??hahaha..seyes lame gile..usually i dont eat or just mkn 'angin'..hehe..

then i went to nurul's room to do my pamplet cfcs kentut for my patient..huhu..br nk wat..cam hampeh kan..argh lantak la..haha..after lepaking with sue n nurul i went to oncall at labour room..that was my 1st time oncall in OnG..in OnG,u have to oncall from 6pm to 6am k..

so since i'm going to spend like 12 hours in labour room..i brought everything like tooth brush+paste,facial foam,small towel,deodorant,compact powder,books,mineral water..(n act there was a lot in my mind..haha)cam nk g jln2 plak..huhu..first few hours was abit boring coz all pt was on early stage..no drama..not interested..haha..em dkt kol9 br kes byk msk+kes yg mmg da nk labour..so we were busy with our pt..some are confidently wanted to conduct n some are confidently want to observe..n of course i'm the 2nd k..hehe..but when it come to stage of fully confident..i'm confidently wanted to conduct the delivery..i monitor the pt from the admission till the end..but i'm so frustrated coz i cannot conduct the delivery..waaaa sedey..doc tu wat x lyn when i say i want to do the cord traction..eiii grm ngan doc tu..huhu..=(..x kre nk grm gak..xpe la..byk lg peluang..(nada sedeh k..huhu..)


we were too busy,too excited to conduct till we were not realized it was already 6 am..so cpt2 blk bilik nk tido..actually i'm not sleepy but felt really tired+body ache..standing for too long..i just slept for about 3 hours..coz i've already plan to go to my cfcs pt with farha..since she also wanted to visit her brother at tumpat..so we went together..u know i just ambushed my pt house..em psl pt ni..it is a very2 long story..mls nk cite..yg pntg sereng hendap ktorg berjaye gak..finally i get to meet her n settle some of my prob..some only..coz i still have 2 evidence to be done..very soon..huhu..another my last minute work..well i'm miss last min..huhu..so from bachok to tumpat to kb to tumpat to usm..a very long journey rite..smpi usm kol 630 n got msg from nurul..ajak kuar mkn..since my rent car end at 10pm,we went to tesco after maghrib..eating n shopping settle at 1030..

n now i still bloging..huhu..

i think i'm going to sleep late again tonite coz i've just took another kaffein..i thought i've a presentation tomorrow..n actually it is on monday..penat jer serabut..*sigh*..

Sunday, April 5, 2009


it been a long time since my last post rite..so many thing to do..huhu..for this a long silence a few thing had happen..
  • i'm now in OnG posting..my last posting..time is flying really fast..in 6 more week i will end my 4th year..i hope i can pass all my posting..can't wait to CUTI!!!!walaupun kejap je..=(
  • i have pass my medical posting!!actually all my group members pass..i'm so relieced coz my MCQ is terrible..x penah tembak bodoh witout tgk soalan like in medical..i use to tembak-menembak..but a clever one..huhu..
  • this one is the important one..MAKE AN ATTENTION EVERYONE!!i'm now selling a shawls..hehehe..i have a plain and also corak2 shawls..the price is very cheap..n the materials is aesy to wear n of course beatiful..huhu..interested??u now where to find me..or just msg and i'll find u..