*sigh*..i'm never feel like this before..i'm really2 falling in love..huh i hope this feeling will last forever or at least as far as i'm a madical student..what??ya la..i'm falling in love in oftalmology posting..hehehe..btul la kate sya dr mate turun ke ati..huhu..i never feel happy like this morning during our clinic session..previous posting,i hate clinic giler..so boring..nothing much to do..just tercongok denga what patient complaining..n if i'm lucky i can get interesting finding from examine the pt..but most of the time we or better said me, just standing there being a good observer..hahaha..u know i'm not a kind of proactive student like others..n x saba2 nk blk..dtg pun sbb attendance jer..ble abis lege giler..huhu..
totally difference with oftal..syok sgt sampai x sedar da kol 2 lbh..seriusly,if we don't have any class this afternoon maybe ktorg duk je stu smpai ptg..hehehe..it was really enjoyable esp if u can do oftalmoscope plus u get the finding..mmg best la..i feel like to lompat2 kalo jmp finding yg menarik2 ni..tp x patut la kan..very unethical..huhu..n extra syok coz our doctor is very kind..everytime we ask anything..even the Q seem 'kurg bijak' he will answer just like that..xde la kene tny balik kan..(like other doc in other posting)huhu..he teach us alot..huh..i hope i have more time for clinic..but unfortunately we have only 2 session general clinic + 1 laser clinic for every group..da la oftal posting 3 mggu jer..why ar nice thing will not last long..=(
Perginya Mak Ajah … Alfatihah
5 years ago