em finally..alhamdullilah tenet da ok da..x keruan idup xde tenet ni..hahaha..disebabkan 2,3 hr lps tenet hampes..so story mory jd tertunde..huhu..
huh..result surgery posting yg da brkurun finally kua gak..igt doc nak wat kenang2an..alhamdullilah..everybody in my group pass..but i'm a bit sad..coz my mark ckp2 mkn jer..borderline..n i think i'm the lowest in my group..trk nye..bkn x bersyukur..bersyukur sgt..huhu
n at nite i call mama to tell my result n my feeling..huhu..mama ask me how can this happen..
mama:ssk ke??penat belaja??berangan eh??(that is just 1/10 of her Q.)
me:malas la ma..
mama:what??sejak ble plak jd malas ni??nape jd malas??
me:??????x tau...
mama:ishk mn bleh mls2..(n a lot more that i cannot remember each of them)
but i do remember the point..wa kne brainwash..actually i like it..coz it make me realize n back to the reality..mama xde la marah pun..just give a long advice..she touch everything from a to z..da lame x kene camni..it's good actually..nway i love..thanks mama..u are the wonderfull moms ever..syg mama..
p/S:mane nk crk anak, da kene bebel pun suke..hehehe..
diluah mati emak..ditelan mati bapak..penah korg rs situasi cmtu..situation where you have to choose..but both choices are suck..but no matter how u have to choose either one..have u experinced that..ireally want to know how do u handle it..coz my head is serabut giler2 rite now..
i'm hoping that in my head there some prog like defragmenter prog like in your computer..u do that when ur comp lembat cm siput or u want to organize ur comp kan..i want that prog in my head now..so i can organize my thought n work better and laju cm streamyx..so i can concentrate on my study..or at least i can delete any unwanted memory or thought or whatever thing la from my head..can i??huh..
i need to study..in peacefull n working brain cell..i have exam next week..i want to score..to do better than prev2 posting..to make my mama happy(so x kene brainwash..haha)..i think my head is going to explode..kebabom..hehe..
Perginya Mak Ajah … Alfatihah
5 years ago